MIPI Unipro Transport Layer (L4) - An Introduction

MIPI UniPro(Unified Protocol) is high speed interconnect technology for connecting the integrated circuits in the mobile or mobile influenced systems. Its developed by MIPI. Its targeted to support to multiple applications. The popular applications planned to be connected to the UniPro are MIPI CSI3 (Camera interface), MIPI DSI2 (Display Interface), JEDEC UFS (Flash storage).

MIPI UniPro is made up of four layers.

  • Physical adapter layer (L1.5) that abstracts the physical layer
  • Data Link Layer(L2) provides the reliable data communication
  • Network Layer (L3) its pass through in the 1.6 version
  • Transport Layer (L4) which provides ability to support multiple logical communications over a single protocol stack.

Each logical connection is referred to as CPort. Considering very high bandwidths are provided at a very low power, in future multiple applications can communicate over single MIPI UniPro link using the CPorts.

Semiconductor IP