Coprocessor IP
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Coprocessor IP
Coprocessor IP
from 11 vendors
- Available as a 18 kB macro in GlobalFoundries 22FDX process; - Memory Compiler and FinFET variants under development
- Low power sleep mode with data retention
- Built using proven foundry SRAM bit cells, fully CMOS, strictly obeys foundry DFM/DRC rules
- Bit-accurate computation
Network Redundancy (HSR & PRP) core
- Supports the HSR and PRP redundancy protocol according to IEC62439-3 rev 3
IEEE1588 & IEEE802.1AS PTP Transparent Clock (TC) core
- PTP Transparent Clock according to IEEE1588-2008
- Intercepts path between MAC and PHY
- Support for n-Ports
- Support for Default Profile: Layer 2 (Ethernet) and Layer 3 (Ip) support
IEEE1588 & IEEE802.1AS PTP Ordinary Clock (OC) core
- PTP Ordinary Clock according to IEEE1588-2008
- Intercepts path between MAC and PHY
- Single Port
- Synchronization accuracy: +/- 25ns
Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) Switched End Node core
- Up to 8 different priority queues, with freely definable VLAN priorities
- Up to 8 phases per cycle according to priority queues
Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) Single Port End Node core
- Up to 8 different priority queues, with freely definable VLAN priorities
- Up to 8 phases per cycle according to priority queues
IEEE1588 & IEEE802.1AS PTP Hybrid Clock (HC) core
- Combined PTP Ordinary Clock and PTP Transparent Clock according to IEEE1588-2008
- Intercepts path between MAC and PHY
- Two (TC) plus one (OC) Port, used for daisy chaining or redundancy protocols
- Synchronization accuracy: +/- 25ns
IEEE1588 & IEEE802.1AS PTP Timestamp Unit (TSU) core
- PTP Timestamp Unit according to IEEE1588-2008
- PTP frame detection
- PTP event frame timestamping
- Taps path between MAC and PHY
Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) IIC(R) Plugfest Application core
- FPGA only implementation of an OPC/UA Talker, Listerner, Analyzer and Publisher according to the IIC(R) TSN Interoperability Application specification
- LED Application and LED Pattern Generator according to the IIC(R) LED Strip Application specification
- Simple external Application interface for custom data sources and sinks without the need for frame handling in the application.
- Compatible with NetTimeLogic TSN cores (TSN Network Node, TSN End Node)