Timer/Watchdog IP
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All offers in
Timer/Watchdog IP
Timer/Watchdog IP
from 17 vendors
AHB-Lite Timer
- AHB-Lite Interface with programmable address and data width
- User defined number of counters (Up to 32)
- Programmable time base derived from AHB-Lite bus clock
Configurable Watchdog Timer
- AMBA APB4-Lite bus
- Configurable timeout interval
- Standard and windowed mode
- Register write protection
Configurable Watchdog Timer
- AMBA APB3 bus
- Configurable timeout interval
- Standard and windowed mode
- Register write protection
Configurable System Tick Counter
- AMBA APB4-Lite bus
- Programmable system tick timer
- Configurable prescaler and period
- Configurable interrupts
Configurable System Tick Counter
- AMBA APB3 bus
- Programmable system tick timer
- Configurable prescaler and period
- Configurable interrupts
Configurable Timer Counter
- AMBA AXI4-Lite bus
- Programmable multi-function timer
- Double buffered configuration registers
- Configurable single/dual slope PWM outputs
Configurable Timer Counter
- AMBA APB3 bus
- Programmable multi-function timer
- Double buffered configuration registers
- Configurable single/dual slope PWM outputs
Watchdog Timer
- Watch Dog Timer IP supports- 24-bit prescalar.
- Enable and timeout duration are programmable.
- Optional safety feature to unlock the safety pattern.
- Supports Suspend mode operation.
- Supports to prevent system lock up due to software anomalies or hardware failure
- Supports cold reset after configured interval
- Supports interrupt indication after programmed time period
- Supports both firmware and hardware pause and resume
- Supports 32 timers each of 32 bit.
- Supports up/down counting modes.
- Supports configurable counter width.
- Supports to count a maximum value of 32'hFFFFFFFF in Generate and Capture mode.