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Enhanced SPI Controller IP- Master/Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AMBA APB / AHB / AXI Bus. Supports eSPI Master & Slave and SPI Master & Slave functions
- The DB-eSPI-SPI-MS-AMBA is a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Controller Verilog IP Core supporting the addition of Enhanced SPI (eSPI) bus transfers to the standard SPI Master/Slave Controller. The DB-eSPI-SPI-MS contains an AMBA AXI, AHB, or APB Bus Interface for interfacing a microprocessor to external eSPI or SPI Master/Slave devices.
- The DB-eSPI-SPI-MS contains both eSPI and SPI Master and Slave functions.
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Master/Slave
- SPI-compatible interface
- AMBA AXI4-Lite bus
- Master or slave mode
- Full duplex
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Master/Slave
- SPI-compatible interface
- AMBA APB3 bus
- Master or slave mode
- Full duplex
Serial Peripherial Interface
- Provides AXI interface
- Provides Interface to DMA
- Provides direct PIO access to SPI flash devices for BIOS boot up
Simulation VIP for xSPI
- xSPI Profile 1
- SPI (Read Zero Latency), DUAL (1-1-2, 1-2-2), Quad (As per JESD251-A1), and Octal modes Data Rate: STR and DTR
- Modes
- SPI-STR (1S-1S-1S), QUAD-STR (4S-4S-4S), OCTAL-STR(8S-8S-8S), and OCTAL-DTR (8D-8D-8D) modes
Simulation VIP for SPI
- Full Duplex
- Simultaneous transfer from Manager and Subordinate
- Variable Size Shift Registers
- 8, 16, and 32-bit shift register for Tx and Rx
Simulation VIP for Q-SPI
- Device Density
- From 256Mb to 2Gb with frequency up to 166MHz
- Operation Mode
- Single I/O, Dual I/O, and Quad I/O (Q-SPI and QSPI) with single and double transfer rate (STR and DTR)
SPI to AHB-Lite Bridge
- The SPI2AHB core implements an SPI slave to AHB-Lite master bridge. It allows an external SPI master to perform read or write access to any memory-mapped device on the internal AHB bus.
- The core implements a simple over-SPI protocol to convert SPI transactions into AHB Read or Write instructions.
Octal SPI Master/Slave Controller
- Implements a controller for a single-, dual-, quad-, or octal-lane Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus, which can operate either as a master or as a slave.
- Designed to work with a wide variety of SPI bus variants, the core supports run-time control of several SPI protocol parameters.
I2C and SPI Master/Slave Controller
- The I2CSPI-CTRL is a compact and versatile serial interface controller supporting both SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocols.
- Its low silicon resource requirement makes it suitable for area-constrained and low-power applications, while its software compatibility with Microchip’s MSSP peripheral eases use and software integration.