Rambus showcases 56G Multi-Protocol SerDes (MPS) PHY at the Samsung Foundry Forum

Rambus is attending the Samsung Foundry Forum at the Santa Clara Marriott on May 24th. The company will be showcasing its 56G SerDes PHY, which is being developed on Samsung’s 10nm LPP (Low-Power Plus) process technology.

As we’ve previously discussed on Rambus Press, our 56G SerDes PHY supports PAM-4 and NRZ signaling and data rates from 9.95Gbps to 58Gbps across copper and backplane channels with more than 35dB insertion loss. At the heart of the SerDes architecture is an ADC (analog to digital converter) operating at 28 GS/s that allows for adjustable power consumption and improved performance while providing low BER (Bit Error Rate) for enterprise class reliability.

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Semiconductor IP