IP-SoC 2011 Trip Report: IP again, new ASSP model, security, cache coherence and more

For the 20th anniversary of IP-SoC, we had about ten presentations, most being really interesting; the conference has provided globally a very good level of information, speakers coming from various places like China, Belarus, The University of Aizu (Japan), University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Silesian and Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), BNM Institute of Technology (Bangalore-India) and obviously from western Europe and USA. I am going to IP-SoC for more than five years now, and I am glad to see that there is no more room for the insipid “marketing” presentation that some IP vendors used to give. It was real information, and if you were attending to presentation focused on security, like this given by Martin Gallezot (one of my former colleagues at PLDA), you really needed to know a bit on the topic (Physical Attacks against Cryptographic) to fully understand… but that’s exactly what you expect when you go to a conference, isn’t it? Learn something new for you.

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Semiconductor IP