AMBA System Monitor, Scoreboarding and Beyond

In my previous blog post, How do you Verify the AMBA System Level Environment? we discussed how to enable SOC verification engineers to create highly configurable AMBA fabric.

The system environment should provide place-holders for hooking the DUT with any of the quintessential AMBA VIP components such as AXI3/4/ACE, AHB or APB. With the use of the AMBA System environment, we can configure it to instantiate as many number of AXI/AHB/APB VIP as needed with minimal additional code.

To verify the interconnect fabrics that connect IP blocks and subsystems within an SoC, it is necessary to check the correctness and completeness of data as it passes through the interconnect. This is what the AMBA System monitor does for us. It also ensures that a transaction is routed correctly to its appropriate slave.

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