IoT Focus: Natural User Interface Design Crucial to Success
Each era of electronics innovation is generally marked by a dominant end application: Mil/Aero (1960-70s), Computing/PCs (1980s), Communications (1990s), Internet/Mobile (2000s). And each-for the most part-had a signature interface.
These technology eras were usually dominated by two interfaces: a keyboard (computing) or a keypad (communications). But that changed with the introduction of the smartphone and touchscreen technology first, and voice recognition technology (e.g. Siri) next.
And now the application explosion expected in the IoT Age demands not that we bend our habits to the prevailing technology but that we bend technology toward us. Because applications will be so ubiquitous, they must integrate seamlessly and productively into our daily lives. That will be enabled by natural user interface design.
This next frontier in technological innovation must take into account the natural human experience if electronics systems designers are to unlock markets.
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