Analog EDA tool supports reconfigurable arrays

By Richard Goering, EE Times
July 14, 2003 (8:40 p.m. EST)

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — A new free version of a programmable analog EDA tool from Anadigm, provider of field programmable analog arrays (FPAAs), lets designers construct circuits that can be dynamically reconfigured by a microprocessor. AnadigmDesigner2 version 2.3 also adds more support for the configurable analog modules (CAMs) used to build FPAAs.

Anadigm describes FPAAs as reconfigurable analog ICs that can adapt to different functions, adjust to different environmental conditions, or compensate for sensor degradation. AnadigmDesigner2 lets designers construct circuits using pre-qualified, drag-and-drop parameterized CAMs.

AnadigmDesigner2 v2.3 automates the construction of complex filters and PID controllers. It also adds three new CAM functions — a transimpedance amplifier, a gain limiter stage and a gain switch.

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