Creating Plug-and-Play IP Networks in Large SoCs with IEEE P1687 (IJTAG)

Until now, the integration and testing of IP blocks used in large SOCs has been a manual, time consuming design effort. A new standard called IEEE P1687 (or “IJTAG”) for IP plug-and-play integration is emerging to simplify these tasks. EDA tools are also emerging to support the new standard. Last week mentor announcedTessent IJTAG, which simplifies connecting any number of IJTAG-compliant IP blocks into an integrated, hierarchical network, allowing access to them from a single point. IJTAG will save engineering time by automating design tasks, and potetntially reduce the length of an aggregated test sequence for all the IP blocks in an SOC. This translates into reduced test time and smaller tester memory requirements.

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Semiconductor IP