Intel tips 22-nm tri-gate, but mobile is MIA

Mark LaPedus, EETimes
5/4/2011 1:22 PM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO - As expected, Intel Corp. Wednesday (May 4) rolled out its 22-nm process—with a twist.

The chip giant introduced the process, based on its long-awaited 3-D transistor design, dubbed tri-gate. First disclosed by Intel in 2002, the tri-gate transistor will form the basis of its 22-nm node. Intel also demonstrated the world's first 22-nm microprocessor, codenamed Ivy Bridge.
Ivy Bridge-based Core family processors will be the first high-volume chips to use tri-gate transistors. Ivy Bridge is slated for high-volume production readiness by the end of this year.

But missing from the announcement was a 22-nm mobile processor, which could fend off competitive threats from the ARM camp.

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