Voltage Reference IP for Intel Foundry

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Compare 3 Voltage Reference IP for Intel Foundry from 1 vendors (1 - 3)
  • Bandgap Voltage / Current Reference Intel
    • Input Voltage Range: PDK VddIO
    • Programmable Output Voltage Range
    • Untrimmed Accuracy: 5%
    • Trimmed Accuracy (single point trim): 0.5%
  • Power-On-Reset Intel
    • Start-up Time: max 10us
    • Configurable Threshold
    • Programmable Delay
    • Uses Hysteresis to avoid false resets in noisy environments
  • IR DROP Intel
    • • Active current current: 120uA
    • • Powered-down current: <1uA
    • • Detection time: 25nS typ.
    • • Hysteresis: 20mV typ.
Semiconductor IP