How PCI Express Gives AI Accelerators a Super-Fast Jolt of Throughput

Every time you get a purchase recommendation from an e-commerce site, receive real-time traffic updates from your highly automated vehicle, or play an online video game, you’re benefiting from artificial intelligence (AI) accelerators. A high-performance parallel computation machine, an AI accelerator is designed to efficiently process AI workloads like neural networks—and deliver near-real-time insights that enable an array of applications.

For an AI accelerator to do its job effectively, data that moves between it (as a device) and CPUs and GPUs (the hosts) must do so swiftly and with very little latency. A key to making this happen? The PCI Express® (PCIe®) high-speed interface.

With every generation, made available roughly every three years, PCIe delivers double the bandwidth—just what our data-driven digital world demands.

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