How AI Drives Faster Chip Verification Coverage and Debug for First-Time-Right Silicon

These days, the question is less about what AI can do and more about what it can’t do. From talk-of-the-town chatbots like ChatGPT to self-driving cars, AI is becoming pervasive in our everyday lives. Even industries where it was perhaps an unforeseen fit, like chip design, are benefiting from greater intelligence.

What if one of the most laborious, time-consuming steps in developing a chip could get a jolt of intelligence for faster first-time-right silicon? Imagine the possibilities of integrating AI into the chip verification and debug phase, especially as chips are only becoming more complex.

The end goal, of course, is to reach your verification coverage targets faster and, ultimately, find more bugs. A digital design has a vast number of design state spaces in which it can operate. And it’s virtually impossible to analyze all these spaces manually and come away with enough actionable insights to make a difference.

But if AI can step in and lend a hand, verification engineers can then focus on fixing the bugs found. Just think about how this can benefit your silicon designs.

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