Why Intel will Never Succeed in IoT Market?

Let me precise that by “IoT” I think about the IoT devices market, made of hundreds of application, wearable gadget to medical, home automation, and so on. One direct consequence of IoT (device) market explosion will be the strong growth of the server market (cloud), to transfer, compute and store information generated by the billions of IoT devices. Intel is certainly the chip manufacturer being the best positioned to enjoy this server market explosion. But this is not the topic today. I clearly refer to the IoT device market, where system cost and power consumption are the first key parameters, along with security, wireless communication efficiency, etc. but let’s focus on cost and power. This post is also an answer to this article from Seeking Alpha: “Intel Is Mispriced And Positioned For IoT Growth”, written by a person probably very good when talking about the stock exchange market, but missing proper understanding of the semiconductor industry, especially when dealing with low power consumption and design for optimum (low cost) SoC integration…

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