Using OSVVM for DVB-S2 IP Core Validation

My name is Matthias Alles, I’m CEO and co-founder of Creonic, a Germany-based IP core provider in the field of communications. In this blog post I will show how we are using intelligent coverage provided by OSVVM for validation of our IP cores. I will use the DVB-S2 standard as an example IP core. DVB-S2 is the de-facto standard for satellite communications, e.g., for broadcasting HDTV signals.

The Creonic DVB-S2 IP core performs forward error correction as defined within the standard, i.e. LDPC and BCH decoding. Forward error correction is a technique to correct errors that occur during storage or transmission of digital data.  Before data transmission one adds redundant parity information to the payload information. Payload information plus parity information is denoted as code block. During transmission multiple bits of the code block can flip as they are disturbed for instance by clouds or rain. The receiver exploits the parity information to decode the original payload information.

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Semiconductor IP