Synopsys Awarded TSMC's Interface IP Partner of the Year

Is it surprising to see that Synopsys has been selected Interface IP partner of the year by TSMC? Not really, as the company is the clear leader on this IP market segment (which includes USB, PCI Express, SATA, DDRn, HDMI, MIPI and others protocols like Ethernet, DisplayPort, Hyper Transport, Infiniband, Serial RapidIO…). But, looking five years back (in 2006), Synopsys was competing with Rambus (no more active on this type of activity), ARM (still present, but not very involved), and a bunch of “defunct” companies like ChipIdea (bought by MIPS in 2007, then sold to Synopsys in 2009), Virage Logic (acquired by Synopsys in 2010)…At that time, the Interface IP market was weighting $205M (according with Gartner) and Synopsys had a decent 25% market share. Since then, the growth has been sustained (see the picture showing the market evolution for USB, PCIe, DDRn, SATA and HDMI) and Synopsys is enjoying in 2010 a market share of… be patient, I will disclose the figure later in this document!

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Semiconductor IP