Energy Efficient Designs with MIPI

Getting the best out of available battery technologies continues to be a challenge for mobile design companies. When phones were used for voice only, the battery lasted a few days compared to less than a day in case of smartphones with high resolution screens, cameras, powerful processors, gigabytes of memories and running power hungry software. Consumers continuously demand more features and functions from their mobile electronics and with more functions converged into a single device, it’s becoming extremely challenging for SoC designs to keep up with the exploding bandwidth, advanced integration functionality and low power constraints.

MIPI Alliance has been leading the effort in designing energy efficient interfaces with low and ultra-low power features as cornerstones of its specifications. One of the primary focus in all of the MIPI specifications is to lower power consumption and making the interfaces energy efficient. This blog reviews M-PHY and D-PHY specifications for their energy efficient features.

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Semiconductor IP