What will EDA and chip design look like in the year 2020? Prognostications from the ICCAD panel

Last night, half a dozen ICCAD panelists attacked the topic “2020 Vision: What the recent history of EDA will look like in nine years.” That’s such a convoluted and hard-to-parse title that the panelists chose to discuss the state of the industry in the year 2020 instead. There were a lot of really interesting opinions and even a few surprise prognostications.

Patrick Groeneveld went first. Patrick is Magma’s Chief Technologist and he’s the General Chair for DAC 2012. He’s also been a full professor of electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology. I’ve known Patrick long enough to put a lot of faith in his underlying understanding of chip design and EDA. So when he delivered his assessment of the industry, I paid attention.

To read the full article, click here

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