AMD vs Intel Update!

it just me or has AMD just pulled off one of the most amazing semiconductor comebacks of the century? Let’s take a closer look.

Who doesn’t long for the days when Intel and AMD went head to head in the battle for microprocessor supremacy? Back then Intel, was still operating under the Andrew Grove mantra of “Only the Paranoid Survive” and ultimately pounded AMD into submission. The battle officially started when IBM required a second source for the IBM PC x86 chips Intel is now famous for.

Like Intel, the AMD founders also came from Fairchild and started AMD as a semiconductor second sourcing business for a variety of chips. It really was an epic semiconductor battle with Intel and AMD leap frogging down Moore's Law. In fact, I remember buying motherboards with an AMD 40Mhz processor versus an Intel 36Mhz chip just to keep the second source dream alive.

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