IntoPIX宣布其新一代AES 加密IP核支持高达10/100 Gbps的比特率以及具有优化的性能以保证在音频视频的网络传输安全
Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium --- January 19, 2016 -- intoPIX, a leading provider of IP cores for security and video compression, announced today the extension of its AES encryption IP core family to support higher bitrates applications from 10 to 100 Gbps and additional features. Thanks to its high performance and scalable architecture, customers can now build optimal solutions for both compressed and uncompressed secured video transmission links.
The IPX-AES IP-Cores provide an efficient and flexible implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) offering several functions and operating modes. The AES family of cores supports both 128-bit and 256-bit keys and follows the Advanced Encryption Standard.
The flexible architecture allows combining several functions and operating modes on very small footprints. Modes can be used separately or combined into a single design: ECB (Electronic Code-Book), CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), CTR (Counter). A specific wrapper to support GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) is also available.
“Our AES IP cores are ideal for high speed networking and video over IP. Thanks to our unique architecture, we propose a flexible solution enabling trade-off between area, performance and technology”, said Gael Rouvroy, CTO of intoPIX.
About intoPIX SA
intoPIX is a leading supplier of image compression technology to audiovisual equipment manufacturers. We are passionate about offering people a higher quality image experience and have developed FPGA IP-cores and software tools that enable leading-edge TICO Lightweight compression, JPEG 2000 compression, security, video over IP and hardware enforcement. More information on our company, customers and products can be found on
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