Network-on-Chip IP
from 5 vendors
Coherent Network-on-Chip (NoC)
- External interface protocols: ACE4, ACE5 and CHI
- Architected to significantly reduce routing congestion for many-core systems
- Integrated with SkyeChip’s Home Agent and swappable with any other proprietary coherency handlers
- Supports operating frequencies up to 2GHz with assists in high frequency timing closures
Non-Coherent Network-on-Chip (NoC)
- External Interface Protocols: AXI4, AXI5, AXI-Stream, APB and proprietary protocols
- Architected to reduce routing congestion and to ease high frequency timing closure
- Supports operating frequencies up to 2GHz
- Supports source synchronous and synchronous clocking topologies
Ncore 3 Coherent Network-on-Chip (NoC)
- Supports multiple coherent agents, including Armv9 and RISC-V CPU clusters
- AMBA CHI-E, CHI-B and ACE interoperability, as well as ACE-Lite and AXI
- Low-latency proxy caches for efficient and quick integration of hardware accelerators into the coherent domain
- Configurable last-level caches
Coherent Network-on-chip (NoC) IP
- Layered, scalable, configurable, and physically aware configurable NoC
Non-coherent Network-on-chip (NoC) IP
- Layered, scalable, physically aware configurable NoC
Network-on-Chip (NoC) Interconnect IP
- AMBA AXI / APB / AHB protocol compliant
- Configurable number of masters and slaves
Tessent NoC Monitor
- Full transaction and trace-level visibility of traffic
- Wide range of measurements, analytics statistics: transactions, bus cycles, latency, duration, beats, concurrency
FlexNoC 5 Interconnect IP
- Physical Awareness for faster timing closure
- Higher margins
- Fewer wires