Ultrawideband SoCs pose new challenges to manufacturers

Anthony Lum,  SoC Product Engineer, AdvantestAmerica
(10/15/2007 11:54 AM EDT) -- EE Times

What do these three killer wireless applications have in common: Viewing HDTV on a mobile device using 4G WiMax technologies; using existing WLAN infrastructure to make phone calls; and using ultrawideband (UWB) technology to download or print pictures from a digital camera?

Answer: All use a complex digital modulation scheme to transfer data over the airwaves, all are a variant of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and all will become standard capabilities in the next 18 to 24 months as consumer-driven demand for wireless applications hastens convergence of mobile audio, video and data.

As advanced UWB wireless applications and ICs evolve, test technology must also evolve. ATE manufacturers need to prepare today to address test challenges on the horizon: high-end frequency coverage, broad frequency band range, high modulation bandwidth, low power levels, frequency agility and complex modulation analysis.

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