Embedded flash process enhances performance: Product how-to

Jae Song, Dongbu HiTek
EDN (August 23, 2014)

Mobile phones and tablets have become natural extensions of billions of users worldwide. Considered an essential companion by many, these gadgets continue to push performance limits as they integrate enhanced nonvolatile memory and ever smarter power management. Thanks to a new embedded Flash (eFlash) process, fabless chip designers can now economically integrate better performing nonvolatile memory into mobile chips while conserving power. The new process is especially well suited for embedding flash into Touch Screen Controllers (TSCs) and Micro Controller Units (MCUs).

The graphs that follow detail the key specifications for the new eFlash process at the 0.13 micron node. Fabless chip designers who seek to embed nonvolatile memory would be wise to consider these parameters before releasing their designs to a foundry.

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