NXP today: 'Practically a Chinese company'

Junko Yoshida, EETimes
4/30/2012 10:20 AM EDT
NEW YORK – For anyone who has known NXP Semiconductors since it was the Dutch giant Royal Philips’ subsidiary, NXP today feels much transformed. Instead of pledging changes every quarter, NXP has grown into a company with its own distinct personality and disciplines.

Under the leadership of Rick Clemmer, NXP’s CEO, the company has drastically slimmed its product portfolio. The company’s management team has cherry-picked product lines that already have either a commanding market position or clear potential – showing “a path to become a leader,” Clemmer explained. “It’s all about focus.”

Further, there is another vital sign of the company’s transformation. Clemmer said last week in an interview with EE Times, NXP today is “practically a Chinese company.”

Say what?

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