Arm PCs Get a New Lease on Life

By Jim McGregor, Tirias Research
EETimes (January 2, 2024)

Thanks in large part to Apple’s transition from x86 to Arm and Microsoft’s continued support for both architectures, there’s renewed interest in PCs using Arm processors.

Late last year, MediaTek indicated it intended to enter the Windows-based market, garnering Microsoft’s support, and Reuters reported that AMD and Nvidia are considering offering Arm-based solutions for mobile PCs as early as 2025. With support from both Microsoft and Apple, it seems natural for chip and system vendors to support Arm-based PCs. However, since their introduction, the two Arm-based platforms have produced mixed results.

Are the winds finally changing for Arm-based PCs? For Apple, there’s no going back: It’s committed to replacing x86. For Microsoft, the story’s more complicated.

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