ARM's Greg Yeric on memory, logic and making it

September 19, 2018 // By Peter Clarke, eeNews

eeNews Europe took the chance to sit down with ARM Fellow Greg Yeric at this year's ARM Research Summit in Cambridge. We started by asking Yeric what was ARM's position on the plethora of emerging non-volatile memories.

ARM is paying attention to this because of the potential to be highly disruptive in the logic space and therefore at the platform (hardware-software) level, Yeric said. "There's resistive RAMs of various types and magnetic RAM and TSMC has recently made an embedded ReRAM so there's a lot going on. ARM has its own DARPA-funded research into correlated electron RAM (CeRAM)."

Yeric explained that at 28nm flash memory cannot really scale any more – hence the move to 3D stacking for stand-alone flash memories. "Flash is power hungry and very slow."

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