Local Area Network Controller

Key Features

  • Compatible with Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 10BASE 5 Type A, and 10BASE 2 Type B, 10BASE-T
  • Easily interfaced with 80x86, 680x0, Am29000?, Z8000TM, LSI-IITM microprocessors.
  • Can be programmed by the host using its internal control and status registers.
  • Supports 16 bit wide multiplexed data bus and 24 bit wide address bus.
  • Flexible parallel bus interface so as to easily interface with variety of 16 bit microprocessors with minimum glue logic.
  • On-board DMA and buffer management, 64-byte Receive, 48-byte Transmit FIFOs.
  • Network and packet error reporting.
  • Back-to-back packet reception with as little as 0.5 ms interframe spacing.
  • Incorporates number of self-test and diagnostic routines to test the operation. Reports both network and packet errors.
  • Fully synthesizable Register Transfer Level (RTL) VHDL.


  • Fully synthesizable Register Transfer Level (RTL) VHDL.

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP