Synopsys Broadens Neural Network Engine IP Core Family

Last June, when Synopsys unveiled its latest-generation DesignWare EV6x vision processor core, the company also introduced an 880-MAC, 12-bit convolutional neural network (CNN) companion processor, the CNN880. Although the CNN880 is optional for Synopsys customers using the EV6x, it's been a key factor (often the lead factor, in fact) in greater than 90% of EV6x customer engagements, according to Product Marketing Manager Gordon Cooper. And although a year ago, an 880-MAC architecture was at the high end of customers' compute requirements range, Cooper claims that it now undershoots many applications’ needs. As a result, and also likely in response to competitors' recent product introductions, Synopsys is preparing to release 1,760- and 3,530-MAC members of its CNN engine family.

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Semiconductor IP