Has Altera broken the record for transistors on a chip ... or not?

As of this morning, if you Google "Most transistors on an IC", you get lots of hits with the title "Altera Breaks Semiconductor Industry Record for Most Transistors on an Integrated Circuit," but is this true?

Now, I fully understand the folks at Altera being extremely proud of the fact that their 28-nm Stratix V FPGAs, which taped out around the end of 2010, are incredibly clever devices that contain a mind-boggling number of transistors.

In today’s announcement, they claim to have set an industry milestone in semiconductor technology by delivering “The most transistors ever packed onto an integrated circuit.” They also say that their Stratix V FPGAs are “The semiconductor industry's first devices to feature 3.9 billion transistors.”

To read the full article, click here

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