from 136 vendors
RISC-V high performance CPU
- Aggressive eight-wide deep out-of-order pipeline
- Unique 512KB IL2(I-cache) with DL1/DL2 (512KB) split vs unified 1MB L2
High-performance 32-bit RISC CPU
- 32-bit RISC architecture
- 16 or 32 general purpose registers
- 104 basic instructions and 10 addressing modes
Compact, low-power 32-bit RISC CPU
- 32-bit RISC architecture
- 16 or 32 general purpose registers
- 104 basic instructions and 10 addressing modes
- Optional IEEE 754 floating point unit (FPU)
Low-power, 16-bit RISC CPU with cache
- 16-bit RISC architecture
- 16 or 32 general purpose registers
- 92 basic instructions and 10 addressing modes
Low-cost & low-power 16-bit RISC CPU
- 16-bit RISC architecture
- 16 or 32 general purpose registers
- 92 basic instructions and 10 addressing modes
- Supports up to 74 user-defined instructions
RISC-V Processor - RV12 - 32/64 bit, Single Core CPU
- High Performance 32/64bit CPU
- Highly Parameterized
- Size and power optimized design
- Industry standard software support
H8SX CPU subsystem (H8SX C3000) IP
- An original subsystem for SoCs other than microcontrollers
- 3 type interfaces available to connect user functions or IPs
- 3 type data transfer functions
- 3 type timers
H8S CPU subsystem (H8S C200) IP
- An original subsystem for SoCs other than microcontrollers
- 3 type interfaces available to connect user functions or IPs
- 4 type timers
- Serial communication interface
H8/300 CPU IP ( 8-bit CPU IP )
- Small gate size
- Common interface with H8S CPU subsystem IP
- system (reset and clock) interface
- bus interface
Scalable & Royalty-Free 32-bit CPU
- Configurable 32-bit Harvard architecture
- Performance up to 1.48 / 2.67 DMIPS/MHz and 2.41 CoreMarks/MHz
- Small footprint starting at 10.6k/6.8k ASIC gates