USB4 Controller & Router IP


The vendor provides designers with configurable USB4 Controller and Router IP. The USB4 digital IP provides the lowest possible gate count, efficient power management, and PIPE and UTMI/UTMI+ interfaces for PHYs. Together with the USB4 PHY, the solution supports multiple high-speed interface protocols, including USB4, DisplayPort 1.4a TX, PCI Express, and Thunderbolt 3 for efficient data transfer and simultaneous delivery of data, power, and high-resolution video through a single USB Type-C cable.

The USB4 Router and Controller IP offer the flexibility required for high-volume, fast turnaround consumer applications. Configuration options maximize SoC design performance and minimize CPU interrupts, while flexible parameters enable easy integration into low- and high-latency systems.

In addition, the USB4 Router IP delivers up to 40 Gbps with USB4 protocol. It tunnels USB, PCIe, and DisplayPort protocol traffic while optimizing bandwidth.

The USB4 IP is designed to meet the functionality, power, performance, and area requirements of a broad range of storage, PC, and tablet SoC designs as well as software development debug and easy deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) applications at the edge.

The USB IP has shipped in almost two billion units for leading electronics companies worldwide. Using the USB IP significantly reduces development time and engineering risk, helping designers to bring USB-based SoCs to market faster.

The USB IP is the most certified IP solution in the industry. As the leading provider of USB IP for nearly two decades, the vendor is enabling designers to lower the risk and adoption barrier of integrating USB4 functionality into their SoCs.

Key Features

  • USB4 Controller:
    • Lowest risk: Based on USB 3.2 controller in multiple designs
    • Lowest power: Reduce power consumption with USB power saving modes, Uniform Power Format, and hibernation option with dual power rails
    • Flexible data buffering options to optimize performance vs area
    • Supports all USB speed modes
    • Flexible controllers to meet the needs for all markets
  • USB4 Device Router:
    • Supports 40 Gbps and 20 Gbps USB4 speeds
    • Interfaces to USB4 PHY with PIPE 5.2 SerDes interface
    • Simulated and interoperability tested with Synopsys PHY and digital IP for reliability
    • Targeted implementation

    Block Diagram

    USB4 Controller & Router IP Block Diagram

    Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP