Most mobile processors use industry standard interfaces such as MIPI DSI for interface connectivity. Larger consumer and industrial displays sometimes have a OpenLDI or LVDS interface that cannot be directly connected to a mobile application processor without a bridge. Many new applications want to leverage mobile innovations while utilizing larger displays with specific requirements and capabilities.
Lattice CrossLink is a programmable video interface bridging device capable of converting processors with MIPI DSI interfaces to OpenLDI at up to 6 Gbps per PHY. This bridge is available as free IP is available in Lattice Diamond for allowing easy configuration and setup.
MIPI DSI to OpenLDI LVDS Display Interface Bridge
Key Features
- Supports MIPI DSI Input at up to 12 Gbps
- Supports OpenLDI at up to 6.4 Gbps
- Supports DSI compatible video formats (RGB) :
- RGB888
- RGB666
- RGB888
- Compliance with MIPI D-PHY Specification v1.1
- Compliance with DSI Specification v1.1