Most mobile displays use industry standard interfaces such as MIPI DSI for interface connectivity. Traditional processors sometimes have an OpenLDI or LVDS interface that cannot be directly connected to a mobile display without a bridge. Many new applications want to leverage mobile innovations while utilizing processors with specific requirements and capabilities.
Lattice CrossLink is a programmable video interface bridging device capable of converting processors with OpenLDI LVDS interface to MIPI DSI at up to 6 Gbps per PHY. This bridge is available as free IP in Lattice Diamond for allowing easy configuration and setup.
Features * Supports MIPI DSI Input at up to 12 Gbps
* Supports OpenLDI LVDS at up to 9.6 Gbps
* Supports single or dual link LVDS to single or dual MIPI DSI outputs
* Supports DSI compatible video formats (RGB) : * RGB888
* RGB666
* RGB888
* Compliance with MIPI D-PHY Specification v1.1
* Compliance with DSI Specification v1.1
OpenLDI LVDS to MIPI DSI Display Interface Bridge
Key Features
- Supports MIPI DSI Input at up to 12 Gbps
- Supports OpenLDI LVDS at up to 9.6 Gbps
- Supports single or dual link LVDS to single or dual MIPI DSI outputs
- Supports DSI compatible video formats (RGB) :
- RGB888
- RGB666
- RGB888
- Compliance with MIPI D-PHY Specification v1.1
- Compliance with DSI Specification v1.1