Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) core
The AES / Rijndael core can handle input block sizes of 128, 192 or 256 bit. The Decoder needs the key and the cipher text as input. The start_de signal signalise the beginning of a decryption. The input data is read and enciphered. After the plain text is build the plain data were wrote to the output and the ready_de signal signalised this.
Key Features
- Complete AES implementation to latest NIST FIPS-197
- 128 bit block size and configurable bit key size (128, 192 or 256 bit)
- Technology independent HDL model
- Simple external interface, easy adaptation
- Structured core design, acces to internal nodes
- Implementation for high data rate
- Implementation with or without key expansion
- High Speed encryption, decryption
- UWB (Ultra Wide Band)
- WUSB, ECMA368, ECMA387
- SoC embedded applications
Block Diagram

- HDL RTL code or net list for each required technology
- Testbench with functional test vectors
- User-Documentation
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- Ultra-Compact Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, FIPS-197) Core
- AES-GCM, Advanced Encryption Standard (256-bit key), Galois Counter Mode IP Core
- AES-GCM, Advanced Encryption Standard (256-bit key), Galois Counter Mode IP Core
- Advanced Encryption Standard En- / Decryption IP-Core
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128) core with AMBA AHB interface
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Single Configurable Block Cipher Mode