400G OTN Transponder with AES


Callite-C4 is 400G SOC solution to transpond 4x100GE or 400GE client onto Optical Transport Network (OTN). In 4x100GE mode, each lane can be configured independently and clocking and timing are also independent. In 400GE/OTUC4 mode, the Callite-C4 processes the OTUC4 OH bytes in multiplexed fashion. In OTUC4 mode, the GFEC per 100G slice can be disabled or removed if external coherence module or high-gain FEC is used.

The OTN core of Callite-C4 supports 3 levels of OH insertions and extractions : register programming, memory programming and external programming via a dedicated OH port. The gFEC function can be disabled (or removed to save area) and a custom high-gain FEC can be used. The OTN core supports full alarm and OH inserts and extracts as specified in ITU G.709 and ITU G.798.

Key Features

  • Line Interface
    • OTLC4 or 4 x OTL4
    • custom-Line interface for proprietary FEC/coherence module
  • Client Interface
    • 400GBASE-R (CDAUI-16)
    • 4x100GBASE-R (4xCAUI-4)
  • OTN Mapper +GFEC
    • Maps GMP mapped to OPU4
    • OTU4/ODU4/OPU4, OTUC2/ODUC2/OPUC2 or OTUC4/ODUC4/OPUC4 Overhead generation including alarms. OH fields programmed through software registers or via an OH insertion interface.
    • G.709 GFEC generation
    • Optional using external proprietary FEC encoding
  • OTN De-mapper +GFEC
    • ODUC4/OTUC4, ODUC2/OTUC2 or ODU4/OTU4 frame alignment with programmable FAS
    • ODUC4/OTUC4, ODUC2/OTUC2 or ODU4/OTU4 overhead processing including detection of faults
    • OTUC4/ODUC4/OPUC4, ODUC2/OTUC2/OPUC2 or OTU4/ODU4/OPU4 overhead monitoring. Capture of registers for software processing of slow changing fields or option to send to an OH extraction interface for processing by an external device.
    • G.709 GFEC decode processing
    • Optional using external proprietary FEC decoding
  • Generic Mapping Procedure (GMP)
    • Client Signal mapping/de-mapping and rate adaption to/from OPU4 / OPUC4
    • Compliant with G.709
  • Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) + RS Link Monitoring ( Optional )
    • Ethernet frame delineation adhering to 802.3
    • Statistics gathering and Monitoring only
  • AES-GCM Encryption at OPU layer ( Optional )
    • 4x100G OPU4, 2xOPUC2 or 1xOPUC4 layer bulk encryption using AES-GCM
    • Programmable encryption message size, dedicated SW key-exchange/messaging via ODU OH, NIST/FIPS compliance AES algorithm
  • Processor Interface
    • Simple request-acknowledge register access to 32-bit registers for device configuration and statistic collection.
    • Optional AXI4-lite interface
    • Application Programming Interface
    • Complete API for ease of use for configuration, error processing and monitoring.


  • Line Side Modes:
    • 1x400G OTUC4 / ODUC4 (with or without GFEC)
    • 2x200G OTUC2 / ODUC2 (with or without GFEC)
    • 4x100G OTU4 / ODU4 (with or without GFEC)
  • Client Side Modes:
    • 1x400G Ethernet (400GE – IEEE 802.3bs-2017 )
    • 4x100G Ethernet (100GE – IEEE 802.3ba with 802.3bj FEC KR4/KP4)

Block Diagram

400G OTN Transponder with AES Block Diagram

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP