Regulator IP
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Regulator IP
Regulator IP
from 22 vendors
Linear Low-Dropout Regulator (Output Voltage 0.6V)
- Output Voltage 0.6V
- TSMC12/16nm CMOS FinFET
LDO Linear Voltage Regulator
- Supply sensitive blocs from a low-quiescent LDO​
- Low leakage implementation
- Programmable output voltage
- Configurable power stages for area optimization​
Digital Power Grid Overlay -- 20% to 40% Total Digital Dynamic Power Reduction
- 20% to 40% Digital and Dynamic Power Reduction
- Fits into any IC Digital PowerGrid Any IP compliant
Custom Regulated High Capacity Charge Pump
- On-Chip Supply Rail Extension
- Extends the headroom and performance range of other on-chip blocks and components
CC-100IP-RF Analog and RF Sensitivity Enhancement IP
- Enhances the Sensitivity of Analog and RF Frontend Receivers
- Enhances the PSRR od Analog and RF Frontend Receivers
- Occupies the same on chip area as standard DCAPs with at least a 600X effective capacitance increase
- Up to a 36% Dynamic Power and RF Emissions Reduction
CC-100IP-MB Electric Vehicle Mileage Booster IP
- Extends EV Driving range by 10%
- Extends the driving and Biking Range of Electric Vehicles from 16 to 30 Miles
- Occupies the same on chip area as standard DCAPs with at least a 600X effective capacitance increase
- Up to a 36% Dynamic Power and RF Emissions Reduction
Hyper-Decoupling Capacitor with a Capacitance Multiplication, Series Inductance Nullification, Cybersecurity Enhancement and an Energy Harvesting capabilities
- Occupies the same on chip area as standard DCAPs with at least a 600X effective capacitance increase
- Up to a 36% Dynamic Power and RF Emissions Reduction
- On-Chip Cybersecurity Enhancement
- 25% Reduction in Capacitor ESL
40nm 1.8V Programmable 1.1V LDO Regulator with 50mA max. output
- Programmable 0.9V to 1.275V output voltage in 25mV steps
- 2% LDO output variation across process, supply and temperature
- Low-Power Sleep Mode (usable when reference TRV701TSM40LP Band-Gap is disabled)
- 50uA quiescent current
Combined Power On Reset and Brown Out Reset
- A flexible offering enabling to implement only the relevant features
- Ultra low power consumption of 13 μA in normal mode and 5 nA in low power mode enabling to optimize the overall consumption of the Always-On
- Possibility to disable the BOR monitoring during low power mode in order to save power
- High programmability: POR, PON and BOR thresholds are all programmable. BOR allows a dynamic programming to comply with the supply voltage of the power domain
Capped LDO Regulator
- Output current range is 0-30mA
- Short Circuit Current Limiting and Overtemperature Protection
- Built–in Soft Start Circuit to Suppress Inrush Current
- Current limit is 158mA.