What Fascinations Will 2015 Hold for FPGAs?

Paul Dillien, Principal, High Tech Marketing
EETimes (12/3/2014 02:41 PM EST)

Anyone who has been following high-end FPGA announcements over the last year or so will be intrigued to see the final outcome.

Let's start by recalling what happened during 2013 when both Altera and Xilinx rolled out their 28nm families built by TSMC. Xilinx held the accolade of having the largest device (XC7V2000T) with nearly two million equivalent LUTs. This part is built using 2.5D packaging technology and was dismissed by John Daane, CEO of Altera, as a limited volume prototyping device. No doubt ASIC prototyping is not a huge market, but add military, high performance computing, and applications like scientific and financial acceleration, and the volume builds up. Why this is significant will become clear.

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