Tensilica's Xtensa core comes with 0-In checkers

Tensilica's Xtensa core comes with 0-In checkers


Tensilica's Xtensa core comes with 0-In checkers
By Michael Santarini, EE Times
July 16, 2001 (1:09 p.m. EST)
URL: http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20010716S0057

In an effort to resolve the system-on-chip verification challenge, 0-In Design Automation has launched its Verification Intellectual Property (VIP) suite, which lets RTL core providers deliver 0-In checkers with their cores. First out of the gate is the new Tensilica Xtensa IV configurable processor, which will ship with 0-In checkers that can validate the core's interface logic. The checkers come without extra charge to the intellectual-property integrator; Tensilica customers don't have to license any software from 0-In.

The VIP program helps both IP creators and integrators, said Curt Widdoes, 0-In's CEO. "IP creators derive a lot of benefit because their customers can integrate more quickly and have fewer problems during the integration," Widdoes said. "The user can quickly see problems with the way in which he communicates with the core. He has increased visibility and can find bugs that would be missed otherwise."

Checkers con vert assertions into comment-based directives within RTL code that can run with any HDL simulator. Checkers that come with the Xtensa IV, for example, can help ensure that interface handshakes and transactions are working property, and that a user's assumptions about one-hot encoding, FIFOs and counters are not being violated.

Widdoes said the 0-In checkers adapt to any processor configuration Xtensa IV users choose. They can, for example, change bus widths or inputs as the core is reconfigured. "Configuration makes it even more difficult for an IP provider to make sure a customer is complying with all specifications," he said. Widdoes said 0-In is talking to other core vendors about its VIP program, but declined to reveal names.

0-In is hoping IP integrators will buy some additional software. What they get for free, Widdoes said, is a version of the 0-In Check product that works only for the specific checkers that come with the core. If users want to add more checkers, or use the 0-In Searc h product to provide more thorough verification, they'll have to pay for it. See www.0-In.com.


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