SiliconGate Debuts High Performance Power Management Cores at the 49th DAC

Visitors are Invited to Stress the Conditions and Watch the Results

San Francisco, USA, June 4, 2012 – SILICONGATE LDA, a specialized supplier of Power Management IP for ASIC/SoC, today started demonstrating the high performance of its cores at the 49th DAC in San Francisco. At the show a lab test setup allows visitors to verify the high performance of SiliconGate’s cores. Among the 11 cores brought to the show are the company’s flagships: Nano Power RTC Oscillator; Ultra Fast Response DC/DC converter; and, Very High PSRR General Purpose LDO. And the novelties: PVT Sensor for Optimal Dynamic Voltage Scaling with Aging Compensation; and, Very High PSRR Class-D Audio Driver.

Floriberto Lima, CEO of SiliconGate, said: "After the recognition we got in IP-SoC last year we are anxious to get the feedback from the visitors here. We also expect to get valuable marketing feedback and ideas for the next generations so that we keep the pace of innovation in line with the future market needs”

“We expect the attention at this show to focus at to two TSMC 65nm cores: the Ultra-fast DCDC tested either with 1 A fast load transients or a real GPU load and a new sensor for Dynamic Voltage Scaling that ensures a specified guard band with minimum power for all frequency, process, temperature and aging conditions, tested with a 32-bit pipeline multiplier,” said Marcelino Santos, CTO of SiliconGate. “It is our first time in the US and we are very happy to be here.”

SiliconGate offers the highest performance power management IP in two product lines: ultra fast high efficiency IP and ultra low power IP for SoC.

 About SiliconGate

SILICONGATE LDA, a specialized supplier of Power Management IP for ASIC/SoC and an experienced provider of integration and verification services, supplying the global electronics market with intellectual property (IP) and services used in semiconductor design. SiliconGate's IP solutions address the key Power Management challenges faced by designers today, such as efficiency, power consumption, total solution area, system verification and time-to-results. These technology-leading IP solutions help give SiliconGate’s customers a competitive edge in bringing the best products to market quickly while reducing costs and schedule risk. SiliconGate is headquartered in Portugal. (

Semiconductor IP