Xylon's logiSDHC SD Card Controller IP core now includes the File System

Zagreb (Croatia) -- December 20, 2011 -- Xylon's logiSDHC SD Host Controller IP core package now includes the FatFs generic FAT file system to enable faster and easier integration of SD card mass storage devices in Xilinx® FPGA based embedded systems

The logiSDHC Secure Digital Host Controller IP core from Xylon's logicBRICKS(TM) IP library enables users to add mass storage capabilities to their Xilinx FPGA design. The  latest IP core's version is ARM® AMBA® AXI4 compatible and works with Xilinx  7 Series (Kintex™-7 , Artix™-7, Virtex®-7) and older FPGAs.

To enable easier and faster integration of the logiSDHC in FPGA designs, Xylon now ships the IP core with the FatFs file system. FatFs is a generic file system module that implements the FAT file system on small embedded systems. The original source code can be obtained from elm-chan's web site.

This program has been modified to run on the Xilinx FPGA hardware platforms. One may use the Xilinx MicroBlaze(TM) soft processor or the PowerPC® processor and the Xilkernel kernel for the Xilinx embedded processors to read and write the file system implemented on the SD card.

Xylon provides file system integration into the Xilinx EDK/SDK workflow, and connection of the file system and Xylon logiSDHC driver.

The logiSDHC IP core license fees offered through Xylon's Low-Volume IP Program (LVIP) start at €1,550 (< $2,100).

For datasheet and general information about the logiSDHC SD Host Controller IP core please visit:


The Photo Album Demo, which runs on Xylon logiTAP development platform, allows for browsing through photos stored on the SD card.

This demo is a quite illustrative example of LCD display control with several graphics layers. Xylon's logiCVC-ML Compact Multilayered Video Controller IP core can control up to 5 layers.

Semiconductor IP