Memory differences remain as ST chooses Globalfoundries for FDSOI

January 09, 2018 // By Peter Clarke, eeNews Analog

STMicroelectronics has chosen Globalfoundries' 22FDX FDSOI process as a platform for its next processors for consumer and industrial applications.

However, so far Globalfoundries has not announced that it can support the phase-change memory selected by ST as its non-volatile memory option at 28nm (see ST opts for phase-change memory on 28nm FDSOI ). When asked if Globalfoundries could support phase-change memory in FDSOI Alain Mutricy, senior vice president of product marketing told eeNews Europe: "That's not the announcement we are making today."

Globalfoundries has announced embedded MRAM on 22FDX (see Globalfoundries offers embedded MRAM on 22nm FDSOI ).

The general announcement comes as little surprise as ST has been a pioneer of 28nm FDSOI and has worked for many years in partnership with foundries Samsung and Globalfoundries.

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