DualSoft announces Verilog Code Review Free on the Web: Enables online evaluation of its ReviewVer design rule checker

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DualSoft announces Verilog Code Review Free on the Web:
Enables online evaluation of its ReviewVer™ design rule checker

Nashua, NH, 17 Feb, 2000 - Breaking new ground in EDA tool evaluation, DualSoft today announced that it has placed the power of its Verilog-based design rule checker, ReviewVer, on its website, www.dualsoft.com for prospective customer evaluation. At the site, designers can submit their own design files for evaluation against Reuse Methodology Manual (RMM), synthesis, or portability guidelines and receive instant feedback in the form of an easily navigable report.

"Most companies would prefer a quick idea of how our design rule checker will improve their flow before they buy it or bring it in-house for a more thorough evaluation", states Ms. Sashi Obilisetty, chief executive officer of DualSoft. "The web-based evaluation does exactly that. No software to download. No installation required. It shortens the evaluation cycle considerably."

It is natural that DualSoft, a pioneer in Java-based tools, would be the first EDA company to offer truly web-enabled tool evaluation. The platform-independent nature of web-based evaluation also reflects the actual product, which is Java-based and web-ready.

Web-based Evaluation : Saves Time, Gives Fast Answers

One on the paradoxes about evaluating time-saving tools is that it takes so much time to evaluate them. Traditional on-site evaluation typically involves download and installation, and it can be days, even weeks just to get the first useful results.

With the ability to evaluate online, DualSoft has cut that time to hours and minutes. Designers using any frames capable web browser from any computing platform, get immediate answers to their foremost questions about the tool. Is ReviewVer useful in my design flow? What guidelines does it look for? What is the format of violations reported? How will ReviewVer automate my code review process?

In many cases, no on-site evaluation is required because the designer has been able to evaluate the tool successfully and is able to move ahead in the sales process.

While the online version is line-limited and does not include two interesting aspects of the software - the actual Graphical User Interface and ReviewVer’s best-in-class User-defined custom rule interface, it gives a comprehensive picture of the most common use model. For developing customized rules, or seeing the actual software in the designers’ environment, an onsite evaluation is possible.

How it Works

Users are given immediate access to the software after a simple registration process. The evaluation itself consists of three easy steps. The first step involves the selection of a Verilog file to process; users may also choose to provide their own Verilog input. The next step is the selection of a Rules Database. Rule Databases for RMM guidelines, synthesis and portability are available. The final step involves submitting the input to the Web Server, which runs ReviewVer and presents the output in an easy and navigable form.

The evaluation service is available free of charge and can be accessed by a frames-capable browser by connecting to http://www.dualsoft.com .

About ReviewVer

ReviewVer is a design rule checker for Verilog designs. It allows companies to create complex designs by taking synthesis, simulation and verification constraints into consideration during the design creation phase. ReviewVer's rich set of predefined coding, style, documentation and naming rules, and its ability to customize existing rules as well as add new ones make it the most extensible design rule checker in the market. ReviewVer is ideal for companies that are enabling a Reuse-based design methodology.

About DualSoft

DualSoft develops and markets Java-based Reuse-centric solutions for EDA. The company's Tools-for-Reuse initiative is focused on developing tools that enable Reuse-based design. More information can be found on its website, www.dualsoft.com.


Press Contact:

Sashi Obilisetty
71 Spit brook Rd. #108
Nashua NH 03060
email: sashi@dualsoft.com
Ph: 603 891 0225
Fax: 603 891 1748


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