Cambridge Consultants Integrated RISC / DSP core provides potent platform for accelerating volume ASIC projects

Royalty-free processor combo can be implemented in as few as 20k gates

Cambridge, UK, September 10, 2003 --- Cambridge Consultants Ltd (CCL) is releasing a ready-integrated combination of its lean RISC and DSP cores, providing a time saving solution for ASIC and SoC applications involving data-intensive processes.  Royalty free, and capable of being implemented in as few as 20,000 gates, the processor combination offers a very economic and efficient solution for high-volume and battery-powered applications.

The implementation provides users with a powerful 16-bit RISC processor core called XAP2, and a configurable DSP coprocessor called APE2. 

XAP2's architecture is optimized for low power consumption.  Power reduction techniques include an extensive use of single cycle instructions, with an instruction set chosen for power efficiency, and a sleep mode that uses virtually zero power.

The DSP core is easily optimized for individual applications. Application-specific performance is achieved by allowing users to configure and customize the core's VLIW (very long instruction word) processing architecture, together with dynamic datapath routing which facilitates highly parallel processing operations on data.

CCL's 16-bit interface logic, which is provided free of charge, configures the DSP to act as a coprocessor to the host RISC processor.  A shared RAM interface, and dedicated control lines, allow efficient communication between APE2 and XAP2.  Both processors can execute simultaneously, with the XAP2 receiving notification when the APE2 has finished a task.  DSP code may be fixed in ROM, or downloaded into RAM by the host.

The development environments for the two processors are designed for use together. The RISC emulator has a plug-in that allows the co-processor's state to be monitored and controlled, even on the finished silicon.

Typical applications for the silicon intellectual property include instrumentation, with the DSP processing sensor data streams and the RISC processor providing an interface, and wireless
systems - with XAP2 handling the protocol layers and APE2 performing the realtime baseband and data manipulation functions.

The APE2 DSP features a novel parallel structure with processing modules such as single cycle MACs (multiply accumulators) connected to a common data routing bus.  Users can
configure the core for an application by choosing the appropriate processing module functions and quantities from the library which includes MAC, ALU, FFT, Cartesian-to-Polar conversion, sequencing, I/O registers, and memory interfaces.  APE2's data routing bus supports further optimization by allowing the output of any processing module to be made available at the input of any other, and by further letting the datapath connection or connections change from instruction to instruction.  This innovative feature allows designers to create optimized computational structures for each instruction or subroutine - and perform multiple operations in parallel - effectively providing dynamic hardware reconfiguration. 

CCL's processor combination comes in the form of synthesizable, process-portable, Verilog RTL.  More information:

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