Stream Buffer Controller
The Stream Buffer Controller IP Core implements a versatile Stream to Memory Mapped DMA bridge with 16 independent streams. The IP core allows data buffering in an external memory device to provide virtual FIFO capability with up to 4 GB memory size. It provides AMBA® AXI4-Stream interfaces for each write and read data stream. A common memory-mapped master interface (AXI or Avalon) is provided to access the external memory device over an interconnect.
Key Features
- The IP Core supports four different operation modes for each channel:
- FIFO mode: writing and reading to the memory is done over the AXI4-Stream interfaces
- Write mode: Writing to the memory is done over the AXI4-Stream, Reading from the memory is done by a CPU.
- Read mode: Writing to the memory is done by a CPU, reading from the memory is done over the AXI4-Stream interface.
- ROM mode: Reading from the memory is done over the AXI4-Stream interface. The memory must be initially written by a CPU
- Supports up to 16 write and read streams (depending on product options)
- Configurable status flags for write and read path
- Vendor-independent implementation
- Available with Avalon or AMBA-AXI interface
- Data width conversion to/from any byte-multiple width
- Supports data width conversion for the write and read data streams
- The use of different operation modes provides the implementation of versatile applications with a single IP core.
- Easy integration thanks to the unified bus interface and the clearly laid out register bank
- A stand-alone solution without the need of a CPU can be easily realized by a stream configuration controller that is provided in VHDL
Block Diagram
- Data acquisition
- Image processing
- Test and measurement
- Embedded processing
- Stream Buffer Controller IP Core
- VHDL source files (plain or encrypted, depending on product options)
- Precompiled ModelSim® simulation libraries
- User manual (PDF download)
- Stream Buffer Controller API
- C object and header files
- Application software example
- User manual (PDF download)
- Stream Buffer Controller IP core reference design
- Reference design top-level VHDL file (plain VHDL)
- UCF / XDC / SDC constraint files (depending on product options)
- Xilinx Vivado™ / Altera® Quartus® II project files (depending on product options)
- Top-level simulation test bench file (plain VHDL)
- Top-level simulation ModelSim project file
- Documentation
Technical Specifications
In beta phase
Related IPs
- Stream Buffer Controller
- SSTL2 Buffer (Vcc=2.5V,Vcore=1.25V, Freq=800Mbps)
- HSTL Buffer (Vcc/Vdd=3.3V/1.8V,Vref=0.75V, Input Swing:0.65~0.85V, Freq=600Mbps)
- SSTL2 Buffer (Vcc=2.5V,Vcore=1.25V, Freq=800MHz)
- HSTL Buffer (Vcc/Vdd=3.3V/1.8V,Vref=0.75V, Input Swing:0.65~0.85V, Freq=600Mbps)
- InGaP HBT low power buffer amplifier