Configurable Reed Solomon Encoder
A fully configurable Reed Solomon Encoder compliant with the requirements of nearly all modern standards that use Reed-Solomon error correction.
Key Features
- Fully parameterized Reed Solomon Encoder.
- Adaptive code rate can be varied on the fly.
- Shortened codes support.
- Parameterized bits per symbol, codeword length and parity bytes.
- Parameterized generator and primitive polynomial.
- Burst or streaming decoding support.
- Various architectures for different gate count/speed combinations.
- Fully synchronous design using a single clock.
Block Diagram

- Synthesizable VHDL or Verilog code.
- C++ model for system simulation.
- Comprehensive test bench.
- Detailed user's guide.
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
TSMC 0.18um
Silicon proven in many applications