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All offers in
from 17 vendors
eMMC LDPC Encoder/Decoder
- Supports data rates from 50 MB/s to 9.0 GB/s.
- Enables custom LDPC core development for specific requirements.
- Wide range of codeword sizes.
- Maximum supported parity.
LDPC Encoder/Decoder (LDPC)
- Supporting a wide range of data-rates
- 50MB/s to 4.0GB/s for a single LDPC instance
- Scalable platform provides the basis for customer specific custom-LDPC cores
LDPC Decoder for 5G NR and Wireless
- Feature rich, highly flexible, scalable, configurable and timing friendly design
- Ease of integration
- Compliance with 3GPP Standards
LDPC Encoder / Decoder for 3GPP 5G NR
- Fully compliant with the 3GPP NR standard for PDSCH, PUSCH. Supports the full range of uncoded and encoded block sizes
IEEE 802.11 n/ac/ax LDPC Decoder
- LDPC Decoder, support all IEEE 802.11 n/ac/ax defined block lengths (648, 1296, 1944) and code rates (1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 5/6).
IEEE 802.11 n/ac/ax LDPC Encoder
- Encoder and decoder, support all IEEE 802.11 n/ac/ax de-fined block lengths (648, 1296, 1944) and code rates (1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 5/6).
Fully Configurable LDPC Encoder
- Fully configurable, high throughput, highly optimized silicon implementation.
- Supports multiple LDPC coding standards.
DVB-RCS2 Modulator
- Compliant with DVB-RCS2
- Support for Pi/2-BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, and 16-QAM
- Support for all linear burst modulation waveforms specified in Annex A
- Output baseband-filtered and gain adjusted samples
DOCSIS 3.1 LDPC Decoder (PLC / NCP / Data)
- Soft-Decision Demapper, Derandomizer, Deinterleaver, Depuncturer, and LDPC Decoder are included
- Support for 4k and 8K FFT sizes
- Support for 16-QAM modulation
DVB-GSE Encapsulator and Decapsulator
- Compliant with ETSI TS 102 606-1 V1.2.1 (Annex D, DVB-GSE Lite)
- Support for multi-protocol encapsulation (IPv4, IPv6, MPEG, Ethernet, etc.)