SiFive 宣布推出针对生成式 AI/ML 应用的差异化解决方案,引领 RISC-V 进入高性能创新时代
P870 和 X390 全新登场:适用于基础设施、消费电子和汽车应用领域的高性能计算
美国加州圣克拉拉,2023 年10 月11 日– RISC-V 运算的先驱和领导厂商 SiFive, Inc. 今天宣布推出两款新产品,旨在满足高性能运算的最新需求。SiFive Performance™ P870 和 SiFive Intelligence™ X390 提供最新水准的低功耗、运算密度和矢量运算能力,三者结合起来将为日益增长的资料密集型运算提供必要的性能提升。这些新产品共同创建了标量和矢量运算的强 大组合,可满足现今数据流和运算密集型人工智能应用于消费性、车用和基础设施市场的需求。
在圣克拉拉举行的现场新闻和分析师活动 上,SiFive 同时也宣布了目前几条产品线出货至全球的最新资讯。公司高层也深入解释了 SiFive 的产品路线图,以及随着新的应用需求、基于 RISC-V 的高性能运算解决方案之优势和整个 RISC-V 生态系如何继续快速扩展。
“SiFive 正引领产业进入高性能 RISC-V 创新的新时代,透过我们无与伦比的产品组合来缩小与其他指令集架构的差距,而近期的流片也展示了 SiFive RISC-V 解决方案的巨大优势。” SiFive 董事长、总裁兼首席执行官 Patrick Little 说道:“正如 Arm IPO 所示,许多产业对半导体的需求正在快速增长,特别是用在消费性和基础设施市场的处理器。SiFive RISC-V 解决方案的灵活度与弹性,使我们能够满足这些细分市场的独特运算需求,并利用生成式 AI 的发展势头 (SiFive 已看到两位数的 Design Win) 及其他前沿的应用。”
SiFive Performance P870
P870 核心非常适合高性能消费性应用,或与数据中心的矢量处理器结合使用,在指令集架构的可用性、吞吐量、并行性和内存带宽方面,树立了令人印象深刻的全新 RISC- V 性能标准。P870 是一个六宽乱序核心,与上一代 SiFive Performance 系列处理器相比,峰值单线程性能提升了 50% (specINT2k6),符合 RVA23 要求,并提供共享集群缓存,支援高达 32 核集群。高执行吞吐量,可在每个周期达到执行更多指令、做更多算术逻辑运算、或执行更多分支操作。P870 完全兼容于 Google 对 RISC-V 上 Android 的平台要求。P870 更提供其他已经过验证的 SiFive 功能:
· 128b VLEN 长度的RISC-V矢量 (RVV)
· 矢量加密和 Hypervisor 扩展
· IOMMU 和先进中断架构 (AIA)
· 非包含性 (non-inclusive) 三级缓存
SiFive Intelligence X390
广受欢迎的 SiFive Intelligence X280 于 AI/ML 应用与移动、基础设施和汽车应用中的硬件加速器相结合方面取得了成功。新的 X390 凭借其单核配置、双倍矢量长度和双矢量 ALU,将矢量运算性能提高了 4 倍,这也使得持续数据带宽增加了 4 倍。借助 SiFive 矢量协处理器接口扩展 (VCIX),您可以轻松添加自己的矢量指令和/或加速硬件设计,带来前所未有的设计灵活度,也能让用户透过自定义指令大幅提高性能。产品特点包括:
· 1024位VLEN、512位DLEN
· 单/双矢量ALU
· VCIX (2048 bits 输出,1024 bits 输入)
适用于生成式 AI 应用的敏捷硬件解决方案
将采用 P870 的高性能通用运算 SoC,与由 X390 和客户 AI 硬件引擎组成的高性能 NPU 集群结合在一起,为产品设计人员提供高度灵活、低功耗和可编程的解决方案,并为复杂工作负载提供卓越的计算密度。
SiFive 特别提到人们对这些可组合 SiFive 解决方案的浓厚兴趣,许多客户使用高性能产品取得了芯片成功并进入商业化的各个阶段。
SiFive 也将持续在整个生态系中与合作伙伴积极合作,随着客户将产品商业化的进程,与这些合作伙伴共同确保基于 SiFive 处理器设计的产品,能够享受到开放标准生态系的软件、安全性和灵活度优势。
Supporting quotations from industry partners:
SiFive has assembled an array of ecosystem partners to help customers speed their time to commercialization.
"We have collaborated with SiFive to deliver Cadence AI-driven digital full flow Rapid Adoption Kits (RAKs) for previous generation SiFive Performance™ and Intelligence™ RISC-V processors and are looking forward to producing them for the upcoming P870 and X390 processors" said KT Moore, vice president of Corporate Marketing, Cadence. "The RAKs utilize our leading Generative AI solutions that optimize power, performance and area while our system verification solutions enable optimal verification throughput and productivity. This empowers SiFive customers to accelerate time-to-market, enhance product quality, and deliver innovative solutions for high-performance computing, AI, automotive, and mobile applications."
“Canonical’s strategic alliance with SiFive, a RISC-V CPU IP leader, grants us exclusive privileges, including early access to their cutting-edge processors under development. Canonical has ported Ubuntu to SiFive development systems in the past and is working to have Ubuntu ready at launch with the SiFive HiFive Pro P550 and future platforms,” said Cindy Goldberg, Vice President, Silicon Alliances at Canonical. “We see a growing demand for SiFive RISC-V processors and recognize the opportunity across consumer, automotive and infrastructure markets. Ubuntu is the operating system of choice for infrastructure and cloud use cases. This year with the introduction of Ubuntu Pro we have enhanced security, compliance and support coverage across a broad portfolio of open source software and platform architectures. The combination of SiFive’s RISC-V IP and Canonical’s software is a combination that will lead the transformative future in computing, on RISC-V.”
“As an early RISC-V adopter and industry leader for delivering production-proven, safety-certified development tools, C/C+ compilers and operating systems for RISC-V, Green Hills Software is excited to be expanding its close working relationship with SiFive by adding optimized support for the P870 and X390.” said Dan Mender, VP of Business Development at Green Hills Software. “Together, Green Hills and SiFive will help companies realize the maximum performance, power, and area benefit possible for these new SiFive offerings.”
“IAR welcomes the new SiFive Performance P870 and Intelligence X390 RISC-V processors and recognizes their opportunity for generative AI and ML as well as high-performance computing applications addressing consumer, automotive, and infrastructure. IAR and SiFive have a strong partnership and stand out in the RISC-V ecosystem. SiFive enables IAR with early access its leading commercial RISC-V IP processors while they are under development, enabling co-optimizations benefiting mutual customers. IAR’s complete development solution for all the leading RISC-V core IP from SiFive helps embedded software developers around the world maximize the energy efficiency, simplicity, security, and flexibility upsides that RISC-V and SiFive offer, like the latest additions for Generative AI/ML applications.”
“As the world leader in debugging and trace tools used by all major and well-known technology companies, Lauterbach has been committed to supporting the RISC-V ecosystem from the beginning and is a close long-term partner of SiFive, a leading provider of RISC-V CPU IP. Currently, we see a strong growing global demand for RISC-V based processors including generative AI and ML applications as well as high performance compute across consumer, automotive, and infrastructure markets, all markets in which we have been successfully active for many years. Our early access to SiFive's processors under development allows both SiFive and Lauterbach to co-optimize their products for an optimal user experience.” Norbert Weiss, Managing Director, Lauterbach GmbH
"SiFive has been instrumental in bringing the RISC-V architecture to Automotive Grade Linux and providing additional hardware options for automakers and suppliers, many of whom are already using the open source AGL platform in production," said Dan Cauchy, Executive Director of Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), an open source project at The Linux Foundation. "SiFive is an active AGL member, and we look forward to their continued collaboration with the broader community."
“The growth of AI and machine learning systems is driving significant compute demands in application-specific processors. Our collaboration with SiFive to provide co-optimized solutions including™ full-stack AI-driven EDA suite and Fusion QuickStart Implementation Kits, along with Synopsys Interface and Foundation IP, hardware-assisted verification, and virtual prototyping solutions help mutual customers accelerate the design of high-performance, RISC-V-based SoCs.” Kiran Vittal, Senior Director of Partner Alliances Marketing for the EDA Group, Synopsys.
身为 RISC-V 的发明者与领导厂商,SiFive 正在改变未来计算的典范,将 RISC-V 的无限潜力引领至世上最高性能与数据密集型应用中。SiFive 所建构无与伦比的计算平台,能够在芯片设计的每个细分市场中,成功协助全世界众多科技领导厂商,从创新发明、优化至完美、并推出最先进的芯片设计解决方 案,涵盖人工智能、机器学习、车用电子、数据中心、移动计算、与消费电子等应用领域。SiFive 与您同行,创造 RISC-V 的无限未来。欲知更详细信息,请洽。随时了解 SiFive 最新信息,請订阅 SiFive 微信公众号:SiFive_CN。
Related Semiconductor IP
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