8051 IP
from 20 vendors
Revolutionary Quad-Pipelined Ultra High Performance Microcontroller
- software is 100% compatible with 8051 industry standard
- Quad-Pipelined architecture enables to run 26.62 times faster, than the original 80C51 at the same frequency
- Up to 25.053 VAX MIPS at 100 MHz
- 24 times faster multiplication
Super-Fast 8051 Microcontroller with Configurable Features & Peripherals
- The S8051XC3 IP core implements a high-performance, low-energy, 8-bit microcontroller that executes the MCS®51 instruction set and includes a configurable range of features and integrated peripherals.
- The core’s sophisticated architecture yields the fastest 8051-compatible 8-bit MCU available anywhere (at the time of its release).
8051 IP Core
- fully synchronous circuit design
- single clock
- synthesizeable circuit description
- OP code compatible to original Intel 8051 device
8051 Compatible Microcontroller Core
- 100% software compatible with industry standard 8051
- Advanced architecture enables to execute instructions on average 4.51 times faster compared to original 8051
- 8 times faster multiplication
- 8 times faster division
8051 Comaptible CPU Core
- 100% software compatible with industry standard 8051
- Advanced architecture enables to execute instructions on average 4.51 times faster compared to original 8051
- 8 times faster multiplication
- 8 times faster division
8051 Microcontroller
- 8031 software compatible microcontroller
- (includes serial & timers)
- Low cost - $495, Support available
- Small size ~300 Slices
8051 compatible embedded processor core
- QUIC_8051 is an 8051 compatible processor core for FPGA implementation.
- It is available in the form of EDIF net lists for different FPGA families. The core consists of:
- QUIC_8051 is compatible to the original 8051 micro controller that was designed by Intel in 1979. However, it is not identical. The main difference is the fact that QUIC_8051 executes the instructions six times faster than the original 8051 when both controllers are clocked at the same frequency. The peripherals, however, are not speeded up.
Intel™ 8051 8-bit Microcontroller
- Software compatible with Intel 8051/51,
- Up to six times faster than the original implementation by the equal clock frequency,
- Up to 16M bytes of external Data Memory,
- 256 bytes of internal Data Memory,
Instruction Set Compatible with the 8051 8-bit Microcontroller Architecture
- Opcode and Cycle Equivalent to Standard 8051
- Support for Intel Hex file format
- Up to 4K Bytes internal Program Memory (ROM)
- Up to 128 Bytes internal Data Memory (RAM)
High Performance 8051 Compatible CPU Core
- Object code compatible with 8051
- Fully synchronous design
- No microcode; All control via state machines
- On-Chip Debug assist hardware included in design