Key Features
- Verilog Implementation on RTL Level
- Supports both Full Speed (12Mbps) and Low Speed (1.5Mbps).
- The Core will perform all USB enumeration in hardware
- All interface are architecture as FIFO based model.
- CRC generation and checking
- Physical Layer Interface
- Avalon Interface Compliant
- USB1.1 Evaluation Package
- Encrypted Code
- Windows 2k /Xp Driver and Software (Executable)
- SLS Port Interface Application (Executable)
- Nios USB Application.
- Snap On Board
- Driver API
- Three Months Open Cores Plus License (renewable for free)Open Cores Plus means that a JTAG cable must be connected to the target system in order for the FPGA system to work.
- USB1.1 Full Package :
- Encrypted Code
- Windows 2k /Xp Driver and Software (Executable)
- SLS Port Interface Application (Executable)
- Nios USB Application.
- Snap On Board
- Driver API
- Unlimited Open Cores License for single site(location) for 1 Year including e-mail support for integration issues.Open Cores means that the JTAG cable is no longer required and the system may operate standalone.
Technical Specifications